
Piita Irniq: Making Peace

Between 1955 and the mid‐1960's, the Inuit of Canada underwent one of the fastest cultural transitions of any population in recorded history. Taken from their lands where life was lived in hunting camps using dog teams for transportation, they were forcibly relocated by the government into wood framed "settlements". Now required to pay rent, use snowmobiles to reach distant hunting lands their lives required the adoption of southern practices.

2016 Yukon Field School Information Session

Are you an undergraduate student looking for an awesome experience in the Canadian North?????We will be holding an info session for the new Anthropology and Archaeology Field School in the Yukon Territory on: 

Tuesday, October 6 - at 4pm, in Earth Sciences 614

Come learn about the wonderful opportunities at this new field school, “The Dynamic North: Climate, Economy and Society in Anthropological Perspective”. We will be hosted at the Arctic Institute of North America’s Kluane Lake Research Station for the duration of our time in the Yukon in May and June, 2016.

Kluane Lake Research Station- Open House

KLRS Open House Saturday August 1, 2015

Kluane Lake Research Station will be hosting its annual open house inviting all members from surrounding communities to come join in on the fun. Activities will include a field day full of games and challenges, fun for all ages, then followed by Science talks by professionals currently working out of the base. We finish the day off with a BBQ dinner and then a bonfire for all to join in. We hope to see you there!

Reunion of the Mt. Logan High Altitude Physiology Study (HAPS) Project

Dear Climbers and Friends,

We announce a Rendezevous 7-10 August 2015 for the Mt. Logan High Altitude Physiology Study (HAPS) Project alumni and family at the Arctic Institute of North America’s Kluane Lake Research Station, Yukon.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend as we’d really enjoying seeing you and catching up.

Details of the reunion will follow 15 October 2014, but for now here is a tentative schedule:


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