7th International Conference on Arctic Margins, St. Petersburg, Russia

Conference organizers announce that the 7th International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM VII) will be held 2-5 June 2015. The venue for this meeting will be the A.P. Karpinsky All-Russian Geological Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. 

The preliminary outline of the scientific themes for ICAM VII is as follows:

- New data on seafloor geology and deep structure of the Arctic basin and their implementation in international projects (with sub-session on planned field activities)

- Structural connections between the Circum-Arctic mainland and the Central Arctic offshore

- Seismic stratigraphy and environmental history of sedimentary basins

- Large igneous provinces and their geodynamic significance

- Plate reconstructions and lithosphere evolution of the Arctic region

- Glacial events and their geological consequences (with sub-session on origin of bottom sediments)

The local organizing committee for the conference consists of V. Kolesnikov, S. Shokalsky, S. Kashubin, N. Kuba (VSEGEI), G. Grikurov, M. Kosko, and D. Kaminsky (VNIIOkeangeologia). A single email address common for all local organizers will be created and announced separately. Additionally, links for online registration and abstract submission will be distributed when available; deadlines are anticipated for sometime in the early spring of 2015.

The local organizing/program committee will work under guidance of Andrey Morozov (ROSNEDRA), Oleg Petrov (VSEGEI), Valery Kaminsky (VNIIOkeangeologia), Sergey Sokolov (RAS) and in contact with representatives from other relevant Russian agencies and institutions, as well as dedicated Arctic explorers in others countries. Harald Brekke (NPD), Victoria Pease (Stockholm University), Elizabeth Miller (Stanford University), Carmen Gaina (University of Oslo), Alexander Minakov (University of Oslo), Wilfried Jokat (AWI), Ruediger Stein (AWI), Thomas Funck (GEUS), Christian Marcussen (GEUS), Bernard Coakley (UAF), James Clough (Alaska DGGS), have already confirmed their planned participation and willingness to cooperate in refining the scientific program, evaluating the abstracts, and suggesting and/or delivering invited talks.

Organizers welcome suggestions relevant to the scientific program and/or organizational issues. Until activation and announcement of the organizing committee email address, all questions or suggestions can be addressed to:

Garrik Grikurov

Email: grikurov@mail.ru

Tuesday, June 2, 2015 - 08:00 to Friday, June 5, 2015 - 17:00
Event Type: