13th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland

The biannual Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium (CRSS) will be holding its 13th international conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, hosted by the Icelandic Organizing Committee. It will be held 8-12 September 2014.

The theme of the 13th CRSS symposium is polar regions in transformation; climatic change and anthropogenic pressures. This symposium is unique in that it deals specifically with remote sensing applications in Arctic and Antarctic environments. The event provides an international forum for the exchange of current applied research in remote sensing and associated GIS applications for land and resource management, environmental monitoring, mineral exploration, and other areas of scientific investigation. It is an excellent venue to promote and exchange ideas for remote sensing in an environment that is often difficult to access and hard to monitor because of its extreme environmental and climatic conditions. The Arctic in particular is becoming more important to the nations of the world.

Abstracts are required for both oral and poster presentations. All abstracts, presentations, and posters will be given in English.

Presentation topics may include remote sensing of the Arctic, sub-Arctic and Antarctic regions in the following subjects:

- Environmental monitoring

- Wildlife management and habitat protection

- Arctic vegetation

- Land and water management

- Land cover and land use change

- Data Integration and Data Modeling

- Geographic Information System and Web based portals

- Boreal processes that have direct influence on Arctic processes

- Snow and ice, glaciers

- Climatology

- Oceanography

- Geology, mineral, and oil and gas exploration

- LiDAR/Radar Imaging

- Hyperspectral remote sensing

- Ground, Airborne, and Satellite imaging (including UAS)

- Archaeology

Interested contributors should submit the presentation title; lead author name, affiliation, and email address; name and affiliation of co-authors; the presentation type (oral or poster); and an abstract of not more than 500 words. Submissions must be sent via email to Carl Markon (markon@usgs.gov) as a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or plain text document. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their contributions no later than 15 June 2014. If earlier confirmation is required to meet travel approval requirements, please contact Carl Markon (markon@usgs.gov) and provide, at a minimum, a draft of the abstract.

Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2014.

Additional information on abstracts and presentations is available at:


For further information on the conference, please go to:


For questions or to submit an abstract, please contact:

Carl Markon

Email: markon@usgs.gov

Monday, September 8, 2014 - 09:00 to Friday, September 12, 2014 - 17:00
Event Type: