Prairie University Biology Symposium

This year the 52nd annual Prairie University Biology Symposium (PUBS) will be held at the University of Calgary from February 22-24th, 2018

The PUBS 2018 organizing committee, consisting of graduate students from the Biology Sciences Department at the University of Calgary, is taking this long-established symposium to the next level. We are pleased to announce world class speakers including the distinguished environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki, eminent scientist Dr. Anthony P. Russell and renowned wildlife photographer Mr. Dax Justin. We are confident that this rich and stimulating program will allow us to attract the best and brightest student researchers from prairie universities across Canada and the United States.

We hope that you will join us at this conference and invite your peers. In addition to giving oral/poster presentations and attending networking events, students can benefit from skill building workshops (Intro to R, Make your CV and Resume work for you, Writing a proposal) and friendly competitions (3 minute thesis). Overall, the symposium agenda is designed to offer significant opportunities for professional development.

Registration for the conference prior to Feb 1st ensures a reserved seat for Dr. Suzuki’s keynote presentation. All biological sciences disciplines are welcome and encouraged to participate.

For more information refer to the event website: or email: 

Prairie University Biology Symposium Poster

pdf of PUBS poster available here


Thursday, February 22, 2018 - 15:00 to Saturday, February 24, 2018 - 23:00
Event Type: 