Reunion of the Mt. Logan High Altitude Physiology Study (HAPS) Project

Dear Climbers and Friends,

We announce a Rendezevous 7-10 August 2015 for the Mt. Logan High Altitude Physiology Study (HAPS) Project alumni and family at the Arctic Institute of North America’s Kluane Lake Research Station, Yukon.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend as we’d really enjoying seeing you and catching up.

Details of the reunion will follow 15 October 2014, but for now here is a tentative schedule:

Fri., 7 Aug 2015: evening registration at Kluane  (costs will include three meals/day; tent or cabin-user; includes bathroom facilities with shower.  Basecamp   Manager: Sian Williams).                                                                                                                                  

Sat., 8 Aug: A.M.: Overview of current AINA research projects at/out of Kluane

                  P.M.: Presentations on Mt. Logan HAPS (Dr. Robin Houston, organizer)

                  Panel Discussion:  Legacy &  Future of Such Projects on Canada’s 150th Birthday


                  Postprandial: Bar, Music & Jam Session (Bring your instruments) , Dancing 

Sun., 9 Aug: Pancake breakfast 

                   AM & PM: Hikes in the area 


                   Leisure Retirement with 5-Minute Talks

Mon., 10 Aug: Breakfast

                     Closing Ceremony                

All during the Rendezevous, signups for charter Heliocourier flights, weather permitting, will be available most of the time to go out for a flyover of the Kaskawulsh Glacier, maybe farther.

Those wishing lengthier  mountain communion, there may be opportunity to fly out and stay at  Icefield Discovery’s BC near Mt. Queen Mary.  

If you know of any other alumni, please pass this on as we hope to see all our surviving Bergkameraden.

As registrar, please RSVP by 15 September to me at the below address. 

                Berg Heil, 

                                                Philip Marshall, Woodcarver & HAPS Support Team member 1974

                                                Polhavn Woodfabrik

                                                1300 Skyline Drive

                                                Fairbanks, Alaska 99712

                                                Tel: (907) 457-3895



Friday, August 7, 2015 - 18:00 to Monday, August 10, 2015 - 12:00
Event Type: